Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Makin' Ice and The Last New Walls Go Up!

We have flooded twice and started to make ice! Yes, after the ice plant was turned on for a few days and the sand reached a cool enough temperature, it's finally time to make the layers of ice!

The last new walls are being finished in the Equipment Room cutting around a lot of pipes in the ceiling. 

We are so tired of cutting around pipes...Hang in there! Last one. :)

The ADA concrete ramps are poured, the ADA bathrooms are coming along (no picture for obvious reasons...who really wants to see toilets ripped out?), ADA water fountain installed.

And the back of the ice wall gets it's vapor barrier and the last round of firewall drywall (jib board).

Time to call it another night to be awake for work tomorrow! Every day we make visual progress closer to opening!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Night Painting Party!

Yes, two coats of paint are up after 2 hard core helpers took one for the team by going into our "white out" with the paint sprayer.

Windows are up and we now have white walls. Also another wall is being framed behind the ice next to the equiptment room.  And a big shout out to the Wells Fargo volunteers that came out to help add the last bit of sand before we turn the ice pipes on!

'Til Sunday bloggers...

Windows went in and Painting Party Begins!

The next milestone is complete--the viewing window are in!

And the painting party has begun in the now "fully enclosed" ice house!
I think we know what we'll be doing tonight...It's a friday night painting party! Time to work and get one step closer to opening!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Weekend Warriors

Thanks to all of our faithful followers! Sorry for the lack of photos this week, I was out of town for that work thing that can get in the way of my volunteering...LOL!

The weekend warriors continue sanding walls so hopefully this week we can hold the long awaited painting party.

The work continues closing off the back corner wall. Only one section left where the door is framed out. This leads into the equiptment room where the compressor and ice king are stored. Expanding foam is used around the door frame to keep the cold air in.

The doors are in that go to the ice! The lights and ceiling are continuing to be raised for a aesthetically pleasing warm room. :)

A few more walls get mudded and sanded for an emergency exit hallway deciding off the storage room that one day could be 3 more sheets of ice (for a total of 7--Can you imagine???).

The kitchen window gets closed and sealed up. The entrance behind Karen will be expanded.

The 3rd layer of installation went up and ready for the vapor barrier and drywall on the storage room side.

The electrician continues to run electrical down the sides of the ice for the house cameras and sound system.

And the planning continues with each section that is complete.  We are hoping to push for 2 more weeks to open!

So close to opening!  A huge thanks goes out to Wayne for spending every day and evening he's not at his day job to be at the club volunteering to be our General Contractor. THANK YOU, WAYNE! (And we thank your wife, too!)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Building our "Steel" Brick Road

As the next milestone comes up, we start  building our walkways to the ice.

More walls going up as we are getting closer to opening!

And it's time to raise the roof! (Well, it's really the warm room ceiling.) 

And, of course, the nails in the wall aren't the only nails being done today! The exciting mounts toward opening...

Friday, February 7, 2014

More walls go up...

Here is the next update to building our curling club, one section at a time!

The windows are prepped like wrapping a present!

Another wall gets framed and drywall goes up for back hallway.

The backside of an ice wall gets more installation.

Measurements are checked and double checked...The later it gets after a long week of work and volunteering, the harder it gets...

Sprinklers are settling the top layer of sand...

And final drywall pieces are filled around the piping. Since the pipes are on and turned running glycol at 43 degrees, it's chilly in here!

Until tomorrow bloggers...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Stomping and Sweeping

Today was definitely a work out. Some compared it with Keltic Dancing, others thought it reminded them of doing the Electric Slide or side steps in a workout video.

The day was spent stomping the sand around and under the pipes to fill in any gaps (since it was damp and is now drying out).

Then brooms were pushed across the top, sand added, re-stomped and brushed again. The goal now is to compact the sand while dry. The next step will be to put water on it, compact it again and fill in any other pockets with sand.

Also the track for another wall is going up.

Tomorrow, Tim Yeo, an internationally renown ice maker, will arrive to tour the facility and consult on our ice making process. Many if us are very excited for his arrival and thankful to have his expert opinion (he has made ice for the Briar) as we create our ice for the first time. Welcome Tim!