Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ready for the Desert Ice Bonspiel???

We are putting the finishes touches on for the Desert Ice Bonspiel. What have we been up to?

Well, the TVs are up with comfy donated couches from a local casino. The "tables" were wheeled in (do the pipe spindles look familiar?) from the loading dock and donated chairs from our local member who owns our favorite historic ice cream parlor in town.

Cameras have been installed on the ice over each house. (We are trying to get it ready for streaming video as fast as possible.)

Posters from the past bonspiels are up...

The clocks are up on the ice, looking back on the warm room...

The bar is up and running with our special event permit and donated beverages...

Week one of the leagues have commensed! 

The ice is ready after the dehumidifier made us do another flood...

And we are ready for our first Bonspiel to begin on our ice "Dedicated In The Desert!" See you this weekend--Let's Curl!!!


  1. So excited and happy for all your success. Your facility looks great. I can't wait to get out there and see it some day.

  2. Can you send me images of all your bonspiel posters? They are terrific and I would like to share them! Danny Lamoureux, Canadian Curling Association
